Friday, July 3, 2009

The Sense That...

You're not simply moving forward through life, but exponentially through each obstacle.
Each challenge launches you farther and faster, straighter and truer, more streamlined and wider-reaching than before.
You're closer to the frequency of the energy around you.
Your posture is a little more natural and your gait is a little more confident.
These days are more intoxicating than any tipple could possibly provide.
This time could not have come at a better period in your life.
Every moment you feel more human than the last.
If you've made it through this past year, you can make it through the rest.
Everything that's been subtracted is less than what you've added.
The next breath will be deeper and fresher than expected.
There doesn't need to be a limit to anything.
At times a free-flow feels better than meter and rhyme.
The sun and the moon and the stars are always there.
This life is yours and yours alone.
You wouldn't exchange it for anything, anyway, anyhow.
Soon everyone will see exactly why

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