This weekend marks the two-month milestone in my journey of sobriety (not coincidentally at all, next Friday is my last day of treatment!) Two months sure isn't a great amount of time compared to the thirty-six years spent on this Earth, but as with knowledge, time is what you make of it. It seems there have been more personal accomplishments in these 60 days than in the past 6,000, and to a certain extent that might not be too far off. Taking a good long look at things, all those years have provided the material with which to build a solid foundation, but only with the tools God has given. One significant lesson that these past eight weeks has taught (especially the court process!) is the importance of patience. Patience is fundamental when designing and constructing a foundation, unless longevity is not of concern. The redwood cannot grow to its majestic height without the incredible root system that both anchors and nurtures. The greatest part of this task is that the plans and methods for a solid infrastructure are already here inside of us, but we must understand our role in the universe in order for those plans to be revealed. Someone said recently that it is the ultimate sign of egomania to say one knows how the universe works. In defense of his statement I say yes, it is, but in my own defense I say we don't have to concern ourselves with anything outside of what WE do in the universe. If we hold up our end of the bargain and conduct ourselves in a proper manner, everything else will fall into place. Quite a nice feeling when you have such an intimate relationship with the most amazing power imaginable, right?
Lately even the bad days possess a moment of beauty and relief, no matter how brief. It could be as simple as the first rush of fresh air, the seeds of the cottonwood trees that float upon the current of that fresh air, or laughing at yourself instead of becoming irritated. Every day holds something to learn from, to be thankful for, to handle with dignity, to add to the foundation, to laugh at, to share, and to remember forever. With this in mind one learns the single-day milestone is every bit as important as the larger ones.
© 2009 Uncover/Recover
Congratulations! I am so proud of you!
Way to go.
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